Offline/Online (email id: resumes are invited for the posts of Asstt. Professors in-
(i) Education/ Perspectives in Education (One post-Regular, One post-likely to be vacant) Qualifications- M.A. in Education/ Philosophy with 55% and B. Ed. with 55% with NET/SLET/Ph.D. At least one candidate will be selected from English medium background.
(ii) Mathematics (One Post-Regular, Qualifications- -M.Sc. in Mathematics with 55% and M.Ed. with 55% & NET/SLET/Ph.D.
(iii) English-(One Post-Contractual) M.A. (English) and B.Ed.
The resumes must be sent on or before 16.02.2024.
With thanks-
Yours faithfully,
Dr. P. P. Mahanta
Principal, Rangia Teacher Training College
P.O.-Rangia, Dist.-Kamrup(Assam), PIN-781354